440 Hpally LF Mythic Guild<p>Hi! I’m currently looking for a mythic guild to join. CE player that took a small break so now i’m looking for a guild to call home I also run tons of keys and dabble in pvp</p><p>BoD: 9/9MEP: 6/8M</p><p>raid times and raid days aren’t really an issue</p><p>btag: RaylinaNoir#1225</p> |
12/10/2019 20:36:00 |
Unknown |
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Looking for casual heroic raiding guild<p>Frost DK and Havoc Dh looking for a casual heroic raiding guild that raids either weekends or early during the week between 4-8 pm eastern</p> |
12/10/2019 18:00:00 |
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445+ 6/8M Ret/DH LF Mythic guild<p>Currently looking for 2-3 days raiding guild as roster/hoilday boss strike again( raid team decided to stop til Jan ), hoping to finish this tier with at least 7/8M.</p><p>Raid time : Any day except Monday from 9pm-1:30 est</p><p>Current 6/8M as Ret with 27% on Za’qul, Havoc has done progression on Mythic Za’qul as well ( 15% ), though i still need practice for Havoc as i’m still not good ... |
12/10/2019 17:36:00 |
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440 Lock LF Mythic Raiding Guild - Willing to Transfer<p>Hi there,</p><p>Due to unfortunate circumstances of my guilds dying, I’m looking to get back into raiding, preferably later at night, after 9PM CST. I started mythic raiding at the end of WoD, and participated for the first half of legion, and then all of Uldir and some of BFD.</p><p>Preferably Wed/Thurs/Sat after 9PM CST.</p><p>WoD:BRF: 10/10MHFC: 13/13M</p><p>Legion:EN: 7/7MNH: ... |
12/10/2019 15:00:00 |
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Hpriest 446 LF Raiding Guild for 8.3<p>Cutting Edge for past and current tiers and multiple famed titles. Logs available upon request. Looking for 2-3 days raiding schedule flexible with times and hours. I would like a socially active guild. I am posting on an alt account for personal reasons but will provide any wanted/needed information.</p> |
12/10/2019 12:36:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
6/8M MW monk looking for guild<p>Hello my main is looking for a new home. I’m looking for a semi hardcore guild. Lmk if your guild is looking for one</p> |
12/10/2019 10:12:00 |
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446 Monk tank Lf home<p>Raiders in guild stopped showing up. Would like to finish this tier off with some more kills and hopefully go into next tier strong.</p><p>4/8m. 8% on org. Weekdays 8pm-1130pm and weekends 8pm-till whenever. I love mythic plus. And I have tons of alts that are geard as well.</p><p>Not looking to xfer just right off the bat. Would like to trial first. I am on illidan horde. Bnet ... |
12/10/2019 05:48:00 |
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448 Disc priest LF core team<p>7/8m xp with 150 pulls on Azshara . Looking for a guild with my prog or higher, dont want to reprog on the same bosses. Great at mechanics and good overall knowledge of the game.</p><p>Btag: Ludatwix#1189</p> |
12/10/2019 02:00:00 |
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Unknown |
Group of 3-4 3.2k io players LF CE Guild<p>We are a team of 3-4 friends who do M+ together and we would like to raid in a CE guild together next tier. We all have multiple Cutting Edges experience as well.</p><p>Tank has all tank classes and can play them all as good as anyone.</p><p>DH who would be willing to play warlock for prog for hall of fame push</p><p>hunter</p><p>DPS Warrior ( maybe )</p><p>my Discord : Humanity#7963</p> |
12/09/2019 22:48:00 |
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432 CE Experienced Balance Druid LF Guild<p>As the title says, I’m a 432 Balance Druid with Cutting Edge experience from Legion. I’m looking for a Mythic Raiding guild. I’m wanting to get back in to the swing of things I haven’t really been raiding much this expansion. I also have a Blood DK I’m working on getting geared it’s currently 424. And I would love to tank as well. As that’s what my CE experience is doing. I went DPS for BFA ... |
12/09/2019 18:48:00 |
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Horde 440+ player LF heroic/mythic prog guild<p>I’m looking for a new aotc/semi-casual mythic progression guild for 8.3I love raiding and pushing content, but I’m finding I’m unable to keep up with the pace for a hardcore progression guild.</p><p>I have several geared toons ready to go for 8.3. I would prefer to stay on Kil’jaeden or ner’zhul and will not faction change to alliance. Willing to server transfer for the right guild, but only ... |
12/09/2019 18:00:00 |
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Casual player LF heroic raiding guild<p>Im a third shifter looking for a guild that clears atleats aotc every content patch. I have three alts in the 425+ range and others that im willing to gear up and use.</p><p>435 blood DK430 brewmaster425 DH (geared for both specs)(The rest of my characters are all 390+ i have an alt of every class except hunter)</p><p>Im looking for a raid group that finishes by 9pm central. I can not go later ... |
12/09/2019 17:24:00 |
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439 Prot/dps Pally LF raiding guild<p>Heroic and mythic raiding experience tank in previous xpacks getting tired of pugging all my raids.</p><p>I do a lot of mythic+ but not a ton of raiding in the current xpack due to having to pug. I’m willing to join a guild as trial for a mythic prog or even a bench tank. Hit me up on discord or in game</p><p>Bnet-tyler#12469Discord- Salty#3288</p> |
12/09/2019 15:24:00 |
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Horde Brew monk alt lf casual guild h/m guild<p>410ish brew monk new to horde lf casual raiding or m+ guild. My main is 7/8M alliance and we raid wed-thurs 8-11 est so cant commit to those days. Mainly lf place to fill in or a one day raiding guild. Tiito#11739 if interested.</p><p>Alliance logs for referencehttps: //www. warcraftlogs. com/character/id/37703828</p> |
12/09/2019 13:48:00 |
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[H] - 3/8M 440 Fmage LF Day Raiding Guild<p>As Title suggests.I am currently rolled as Fire Mage with 3/8M kills on this character. LF a guild to progress until the end of 8.25 and into 8.3. Bracers and Double on use on hand.</p><p>Looking for a mature guild that raids preferably during the day, amount of days doesn’t matter.</p><p>Also currently 2200IO, so if the guild does M+ in the off time thats a plus.</p><p>Please post here on PM ... |
12/09/2019 13:36:00 |
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433 Lock LF Raiding Guild any day except Thursdays<p>433 Lock, any spec, I am looking for a mythic raid team / active guild that runs between 6 pm and 12 am EST, on any day besides Thursdays. I have a long history of raiding haven’t since start of the expansion because guild stop raiding due to classic. I am willing to transfer.</p><p>I also have a 416 DK I am willing to play dps with.</p><p>Please message me at Destro#1898 on bnet, Destro#9040 ... |
12/09/2019 12:48:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
[A] Brewmaster/WW Monk & Resto Druid LFG<p>We are a 441 Resto Druid & 443 Monk who are looking for a permanent guild for next tier and beyond. Currently the Druid is 4/8M and the Monk is 5/8M, we’re looking for something chill, non competitive but are still able to kill bosses, we’ll keep it short but i’ll list our info more below, we came back from a bit of a break and have been struggling to find a place that we fit with. The ... |
12/09/2019 12:12:00 |
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DMo |
438 Shaman LF Guild<p>I’m looking for a guild for my enhancement shaman, I’m pretty new to shaman and recently swapped from a monk and to alliance as well. I want to find a guild with heroic/mythic progression in mind and also a group of people who are interested in running keystones. Times/hours are open but I would love a weekend guild who can successfully clear tiers with shorter raid days/time. I want to stay ... |
12/09/2019 09:00:00 |
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436 Hunter LF WEEKEND raiding<p>Hello there! I am a beast mastery hunter looking for a team to raid with on the weekend (can do Thursday as well). I am available from 7 p.m. -1 a.m. EST Thursday-Sunday. I have 3/8 Mythic 8/8 Heroic experience in EP. I enjoy doing keys and a little PvP as well. I don’t mind playing either faction. I’m a pretty laid back person so I would prefer a guild that is the same. (Also if you accept ... |
12/09/2019 07:48:00 |
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[A/H] Versatile Player LF Mythic Goal Oriented Guild<p>Info: I am 36, married and looking for a nice positive team that likes to progress on new content. I have been working for the past few months so I had no time to commit to a mythic raid group. Now that I have been able to free up time I can finally commit for the long run. I am willing to play any class/role your team may need, and I come prepared every raid. Got all classes at 120, ilvl ... |
12/09/2019 07:36:00 |
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Monk tank 4/8m horde LF home<p>Hey. Looking for a home to finish out this tier with, and make a new home for upcoming tiers. Message me for all the details. Thanks.</p><p>Also have other toons if needed.</p> |
12/09/2019 05:36:00 |
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5/8 Brewmaster lf mythic guild<p>5/8 Mythic with several decent pulls on queens courtAlliance preferredWill transfer for a guaranteed spot after trial is over</p> |
12/09/2019 02:36:00 |
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[H] Brewmaster LFG Zuljin<p>Currently lf a chill mythic+ / raiding guild. Item lvl is currently 429. I run alot of keystones and want to progress to a raid tank eventually. Am fairly new to WoW and started tanking 8 months ago so i would like an encouraging guild that can teach me and help me get better.</p> |
12/09/2019 01:24:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
[A] Mage LF CE Pushing guild<p>6/9M fire mage LF semi-hardcore CE push.Looking for a 7/8m guild, any night after 5pm pst is fine.</p> |
12/09/2019 01:24:00 |
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4/8M 442 HPally LFG<p>Hello guilds,</p><p>I am a former Cutting Edge raider with experience from U.S. 50 in Cataclysm through U.S. 160 Legion. I am comfortable raiding as Holy Paladin or Ret.</p><p>Currently both specs are equally geared and mythic ready with lvl 70 neck, rank 3 essences, 440+ilvl, missing a few essences as ret as Holy was the focus.</p><p>Pref 2-day guilds but will also go 3-day guilds for the ... |
12/08/2019 23:48:00 |
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Holy priest LF raiding guild | 7/8M EP - 447 ilvl<p>Milkycow-Kul Tiras [A]Date posted: 12/08/2019Class: Priest (Holy) ilvl. 447Faction: Alliance (ONLY)Prog: 7/8M EP, 9/9M BoD, 3/8M Uldir</p><p>Btag: MiLk#1841</p><p>Armory: https:// worldofwarcraft. com/en-us/character/us/kul-tiras/Milkycow</p><p>Raider. io: https:// raider. io/characters/us/kul-tiras/Milkycow</p><p>Logs: https:// www.warcraftlogs. com/character/us/kul-tiras/Milkycow</p><p>Raid ... |
12/08/2019 23:00:00 |
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446 7/8 MW LF CE Guild<p>Current experience this tier: CE ghuun, CE Jaina, Currently P3 Azshara.Looking for 7/8 or 8/8 progressed guild.Prefer 2 day/week.Alliance or Horde is fine.btag: furies#1130Thanks for looking!</p> |
12/08/2019 21:48:00 |
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Unknown |
446 7/8M Havoc DH Lf CE Guild<p>Battlenet RealID: Mayhem#11713Discord: Mayhem#72047/8M Havoc DH looking for a Hardcore Raiding guild to finish off CE for this tier and prepare for 8.3. Have CE Experience in Legion & BFA. Received CE: Jania and most recently 7/8M EP. Have over 400+ pulls on Mythic Azhara and multiple P4 attempts.</p><p>Here are my logs: h ttps://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/zuljin/mayhem (remove ... |
12/08/2019 21:48:00 |
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442 Brewmaster 4/8M exp LF guild<p>7/8m, 6/9m with 250ish pulls on jaina, 4/8M as healer (resto druid and resto shaman) looking to main swap. Contact me if you have any questions or interest - Vannilamissy#1619</p> |
12/08/2019 21:36:00 |
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Blood/Unholy DK looking for a Heroic raiding guild!<p>Greetings!</p><p>433/66 Blood DK looking for a guild to raid with. I’m a veteran player who hasn’t raided seriously since Legion. Looking to get back into it in the Tank role, but willing to DPS until a tank slot opens up, for the right group of people. Either Alliance or Horde would be fine.</p><p>Ideally looking for a group of people with good cohesion that show up to raid meaning business, ... |
12/08/2019 21:00:00 |
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Tank & DPS duo LF late night raid team<p>440 guardian druid & 439 (444 without benthic) feral druid looking for late night 10pm ish EST (7pm PST).</p><p>Due to a guild merger there is no longer a tanking spot available so we are looking for a new home for upcoming content.</p><p>Feral druid is past CE raider. Been splitting time between two characters to help the guild so logs aren’t the best due to lack of needed gear. Willing ... |
12/08/2019 20:00:00 |
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7/8M CE exp 445 Havoc DH lf Hardcore Guild<p>Battlenet RealID: Mayhem#117137/8M EP Havoc DH looking for a Hardcore Raiding guild to finish off CE for this tier and prepare for 8.3Have CE Experience in Legion & BFA. Received CE: Jania and most recently 7/8M EP. Have over 400+ pulls on Mythic Azhara and have been to P4 multiple times.Dedicated to progression, and take raiding seriously. Bring a strong skill-set to Havoc, and always ... |
12/08/2019 19:12:00 |
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Unknown |
[H] 440 MW LF Mythic Progression GuildRaid time: 6pm - 1am ESTTrying to find a new home |
12/08/2019 17:00:00 |
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LF Casual/Social guild with Casual Mythic dungeon group<p>Returning to the game very casually … I play about 3 days a week . Looking to find a fun casual friendly guild that has a good social atmosphere that ACTUALLY talks in G chat and not just in discord as well as understands that real life comes first.WILL POSSIBLY CONSIDER XFER TO HORDE IF THE GUILD IS RIGHT FIT</p><p>About me:Played since BCI don’t have a main.I have a alt problem.Love to ... |
12/08/2019 14:12:00 |
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445 Holy Priest 6/8M LFG<p>I’ve been raiding at a Mythic level since Wrath, and currently looking for a new place to raid. Had to take 2 months off due to in-RL stuff (First time taking a break since playing).</p><p>I’m looking for a similarly progressed Guild. I have experience on Zaq’ul and have watched kill videos of Zaq and Queen.</p><p>Faction does not matter. Available evenings, prefer weekdays if possible.Guild ... |
12/08/2019 12:24:00 |
Unknown |
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Looking for english guild!<p>Daily Loggers - Good Chat - Helpful - Raids - Dungeons - LVLING … MIRAGE RACEWAY</p> |
12/08/2019 08:24:00 |
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Returning dps looking for guild<p>Some quick info about me. I started playing WoW at the start of wrath and have been raiding on and off since then. I also enjoyed the MoP challenge modes and did them on my Monk and Paladin. I mained a Paladin from Wrath-MoP and a Monk from MoP to now. I’m an altoholic and I have like 30 toons all above 100. I quit during WoD and most of BfA so far, but i’m looking to come back. I haven’t ... |
12/07/2019 22:48:00 |
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New player looking for a guild<p>like the title says, I’m pretty new to WoW. i have a 120 demon hunter that i boosted to play with friends. looking for a casual guild to help me get up to speed on mechanics of the game. I’m up for any content of the game and will do whatever is needed to advance the guild. thank you for your time.</p> |
12/07/2019 21:36:00 |
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423 rogue returning, looking for a home [H] Thrall<p>Been a while since I played, I left when all my friends quit, and guilds werent working out (Mostly due to drama. Not my fault.)</p><p>Looking to get back into playing with a chill group of people, mythics, raids, pvp, shenanegans, yea I said shenanegans.</p><p>If I gel with a group i can move servers/factions I don’t care.</p><p>A little about me, I work in the trades, I cosplay, I’m an ... |
12/07/2019 20:12:00 |
Unknown |
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7/8M War & Lock LFG [H]<p>Hello,</p><p>We are seeking a CE raiding guild for ~2 night a week raiding (3/night is acceptable). Typically available after 5:30pm PST to around 10pm PST each weeknight and flexible on weekends. We both have a plethora of raiding experience, and are currently 7/8M, lock has about 140 pulls on Azshara, I have about 70</p><p>I’m 32, a bit outgoing, but relaxed. Progression minded (I bring ... |
12/07/2019 19:24:00 |
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Guardian druid looking for new home<p>i main guardian druid and as the title says im looking for a new home im trying to learn to be the best guardian druid that i can possibly be im primarily looking for a guild to raid with run mythic dungeos with and even pvp with i am horrible at any spec but guardian</p> |
12/07/2019 18:12:00 |
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443 ilevel 7/8M Ele sham LFG<p>Prefer a 2 night, weekend guild. Need to start no earlier than 9 pm CST. Please, no offers from anyone lower than 6/8M.</p><p>I’m game to do M+ on off nights, and I like to be active on off raid nights. I’m 100% game to do sales/carries etc.</p><p>I have a healing OS, and have played battle healing resto, but I really don’t enjoy playing resto in general. Really, I’m just an old man trying ... |
12/07/2019 17:24:00 |
Unknown |
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[H] Spriest (RDPS) LF Raiding Guild *Fresh Start*<p>Hello all!</p><p>First off, I’d like to say first off, I’m a pretty fresh returning player. This toon is recently boosted, but had a couple buddies help me out to get me started. So I’ll be ready for group pretty soon, once I catch up on story quests so I don’t get smacked around, haha. I used to play quite a bit prior to this expansion, but took a break due to personal reasons. I just ... |
12/07/2019 16:00:00 |
Unknown |
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8/8m Disc Priest and Resto druid LFG<p>Basically as the title says.</p><p>Both of us are 8/8m and are looking for a weekend group to raid with. Progression doesn’t matter much.</p><p>Resto Druid: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/kiljaeden/rejewed</p><p>Disc Priest: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/burning-legion/imascumbag</p><p>If you have any questions feel free to add me on Btag. Party#1910</p> |
12/07/2019 15:48:00 |
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DPr |
5/8M xp lf guild<p>Currently looking for a guild to tank for to finish up EP and into 8.3. I have multiple tiers of CE experience from MoP through Legion and am looking to get back into the tanking role after healing for this expac. I am flexible to play any tank class and will have all tanks ready to go at the start of 8.3. I’m looking for a similarly progressed guild and horde. Server doesnt matter, faction ... |
12/07/2019 13:48:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
5/8M DH lf guild<p>Currently 5/8M looking for a guild can do anyday after 8PMEST</p> |
12/07/2019 12:48:00 |
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[A] *vengeance* | 5/8M | T & TH | 8 -11PM EST | LF DPS<p>|A| Vengeance [ sargeras ] |5/8M|Tuesdays & Thursdays, 8 - 11 PM EST.</p><p>Currently we are looking to add the following::</p><p>RANGE DPS with preference towards;;Warlock -Mage -MELEE DPS with preference towards;;Rogue -Warrior -</p><p>However we are always looking for any exceptional players that may not be listed.</p><p>During our off nights, we run M+, heroic EP, pvp arenas and ... |
12/07/2019 10:36:00 |
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441 Prot pally LF raiding guild<p>Prot pally here looking for new raiding guild on alliance or horde 3/8M in current raid looking to finish up current raid and raid in 8.3. Let me know if u are looking. My btag is Greelle931#1112.</p> |
12/07/2019 09:12:00 |
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Unknown |
[A] DH Havoc LFGuild - Happy To Transfer<p>Hi there!</p><p>History first - I started WoW back during Vanilla and played right through until MoP. I skipped WoD, Legion and most of BFA but I got back into a couple of months ago and after playing through a few specs and classes I’ve landed on Havoc DH.</p><p>Since I left in MoO I’ve never experienced Mythic dungeons or anything like that so I’d like to find a guild who fields teams for ... |
12/07/2019 08:12:00 |
Alliance |
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434 Benthic / 439 mage looking for guild<p>Hello all,</p><p>I am looking for a guild to raid with the end of this tier into next teir, due to moving and some real life complications i had to take a step back from raiding. My highest progression is 4/8m mythic with a few pulls on org. I am looking for a giuld that raids preferably after 6pm pst. As i usually get off work at 5pm. But later is better as well as i have kids and easier to ... |
12/07/2019 03:24:00 |
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