Looking for guild<p>casual player looking to be part of your guildI haven’t really Raid and i am new to the game. so i know I’m useless to 90% of the game player base. but if there’s anybody that is interested in me please talk to me on Discord </p><p>Add me Discord: 12573388#4079Twitter: 125733WOW</p> |
10/30/2019 22:36:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Returning Players LF Late Night Guild for 8.3<p>Testing the waters to see what’s out there.</p><p>We’re two returning players seeking a STABLE late night raiding guild. We do have a preference for Alliance, but we’re not going to rule out our options. Our #1 goal is to find an active community where people actually play the game outside of main raid days. An active M+ community would be a huge bonus as are scheduled alt raids.</p><p>We both ... |
10/30/2019 22:00:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
2900 io DH LF Mythic raiding<p>CE exp from Uldir and BOD on my warlock. LF at least 5/8m guild. I’m available Tue / Wed / Thurs evenings. I am willing and able to day raid 1st week of Mythic release. and able to raid extra days to push key progression. Wil consider playing a ranged alt (main?) for a hall of fame push</p><p>B tag: Humanity#11914Disc : Humanity#7963</p><p>Raider io and Logs linked below ( Remove the * after ... |
10/30/2019 21:00:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
[H] Draenor - Hunter LF Raiding Guild<p>[NOTE: I have NOT yet found a guild - the forum profile is still showing a social guild I was previously a member of]</p><p>Hey peeps,</p><p>I’ve been playing World of Warcraft on and off since The Burning Crusade, but started to play more seriously in Mists of Pandaria, and Warlords of Draenor, where I took the PvE side of the game more seriously as a semi-hardcore raider.</p><p>Unfortunately ... |
10/30/2019 20:36:00 |
Horde |
Unknown |
Player Looking for afternoon guild<p>I am an experienced player looking for a new home, raiding time I am looking for 1pm to 4pm pst (4pm to 7pm pst) and later for dungeons and other content. I have a variety or characters and am willing to play any role for the right home.Apokylon # 0536 on discordApocylon # 1274 on Bnet</p> |
10/30/2019 20:24:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
(extremely casual) Looking For Guild<p>casual player looking to be part of your guildI haven’t really Raid and i am new to the game. so i know I’m useless to 90% of the game player base. but if there’s anybody that is interested in me please talk to me on Discord</p><p>Discord: 12573388#4079</p> |
10/30/2019 19:36:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
7/8M Exp Alts LF Weekend Raiding Guild!<p>2 friends looking for a Guild to progress on their alts.</p><p>Mage -> https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/bleeding-hollow/tablepls</p><p>Lock -> https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/area-52/soulstonepls</p><p>Looking to raid weekend ‘lateish’ hours.</p> |
10/30/2019 18:00:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Disc/holy priest x2 4/8M LF active raiding guild (Draenor H)<p>Disc priest and disc/holy priest LF guild for mythic raiding, prefferably 2-3days/week</p><p>We are decent geared, recently had the first kill on Ashvane and would like to progress more into the raid, but looking forward to raiding mythic in 8.3 as well. We don’t care how much we’re wiping as long as the guild is active and not missing raid days. We also do ... |
10/30/2019 16:48:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Returning player looking for guild<p>My name is Kyle (aka dan in game ) i took a break from BFA to deal with some real life situations and during that time my old guild decided to remove me…</p><p>Currently have a 120 holy priest on TwistedNether and dont have move to transfer, but i would love to go back to alliance. i am willing to level to any character to 120 and gear to be part of the raid team. i am willing to play any ... |
10/30/2019 16:12:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
[Dalaran] Retired Guy Looking For US Daytime Guild<p>My main’s current guild is nice but everything happens in the evenings for me (Eastern US). That leaves most of my time playing just wandering around randomly farming for whatever profession I’m currently working on. It’s starting to feel like a job, which I’m finished with. I would prefer to spend the days doing fun Warcraft retiree stuff not playing farmville. I’m looking for a guild ... |
10/30/2019 15:24:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
(Arthas-US) 393 ilvl Marksman Hunter LF Mythic Dungeon/Progression Guild<p>Looking for an Alliance Mythic/Mythic+ dungeon push with active members who run all difficulties of raids. Mainly focused on Mythic+ dungeons, but getting a Mythic Azshara kill would definitely be worth celebrating. Came from an inactive raiding guild that had killed over, as I was absent for a long period of time focusing on college.</p> |
10/30/2019 15:12:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
[H] BFA Dragonblight Arms warrior looking for a fun guild / raiding team!<p>Hello guys! So I’ve been back on WoW for about a month or so, and I was looking for a decent guild that i can raid with, also do dungeons and gear up. I played on US servers before, but since moving to China, i’ve been forced to go onto EU due to latency being better, as well as only having a 6 hour time difference which benefits me because I’m up late usually.</p><p>Message me ingame at ... |
10/30/2019 14:36:00 |
Horde |
Unknown |
444 Warrior/441 Blood Dk Lf guild<p>Currently looking for a guild thats in need of a Prot/Fury war thats raids end before 9pm est. Guild im in was late night and do to work reasons swapping to 3rd shift so ideally would like to find something afternoon or evening but not opposed to mornign guild. Currently 8/8H EP. Would like to find a more casual mythic guild and progress into mythic but aotc guild is fine as well. Run alot of ... |
10/30/2019 14:12:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
DkW |
[H] LF raiding/mythic+ guild<p>439 blood elf ret paladin looking for some people to raid and run keys with</p> |
10/30/2019 12:12:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
[H] LF raiding/mythic+ guild on malfurion/trollbane<p>I am a 439 blood elf ret paladin, just came back after a 3 month long break from the game and my guild is basically dead now due to classic WoW. If there are any raiding guilds on malfurion or trollbane that are recruiting then please consider inviting me.</p> |
10/30/2019 11:36:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
435-Mage 65-HoA 3/8M LF Guild<p>Hello,I’m looking for a 2 day casual Mythic raiding guild to learn with, not a bench spot. preferably after 7:00pm PST.</p><p>BNet: Fierylunatic#1887</p> |
10/30/2019 08:48:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
436 Fury Warrior LFG<p>436 Fury Warrior lvl 68 HoA and 1/8 M (Ashvane) 8/8 H. Looking for a guild preferably on storm rage, but will transfer if needed. Would also prefer an early morning/early day raid schedule if possible. Feel free to add me on battle net @iHevii#1597</p> |
10/30/2019 08:12:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
435 NE Boomkin & Resto| Hellscream | LF M+ and Guild<p>Hey all. I’m an Alliance Night Elf 435 Boomkin Main spec and 435 Resto off spec Druid. Heart at lvl 69 currently with several level 3 essences. I am 8/8 N and 3/8 H EP. I have done some M10 before with success both healing and DPS.</p><p>LF a regular M+ group and or a guild who raids 1-2 nights a week, 7pm-10pm EST (+/- an hour). The group I’ve been going with is not always consistent so I ... |
10/30/2019 08:00:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Prot Pally LF T/TH Raiding (A)<p>I’m an ex-CE raider and top ranking DPS player looking to be able to find a guild. I recently returned to WoW and have been looking for a guild to be able to relax and enjoy content. I’m looking for a guild that’s main goal is to have fun and get the AOTC with maybe a few mythics thrown in. The only days I’m available to raid at the moment due to my job is Tuesday/Thursday. I’m willing to ... |
10/30/2019 07:00:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
[H] Disc priest LF 6+/8M Guild<p>Disc priest with 8/8H experience. Looking for a 2-3 day raiding guild (preferably staying on mal-ganis. Preferably 9 hours of weekly raiding. Looking to get back into mythic raiding for n’zoth. Also interested in pushing last mythic bosses in eternal.</p><p>Past Raiding ExpLegion - Healed as a resto druid. aotc always - best mythic 6/9M Tomb of Sargeras</p> |
10/30/2019 03:24:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Former [H] main looking for an [A] guild on Silvermoon<p>Hey there,</p><p>I’m a horde main (been playing since this expansion), mixed mythic (9/9M BoD, 1/2M CoS, 3/8M TEP) and heroic tank (Curve for Uldir, BoD, CoS and TEP) but I’m mostly interested in mythic plus currently.</p><p>Lately, I’ve been really wanting to jump into the alliance side. It seems like a fun change, and I want to experience raiding and M+ from another perspective. I am a main ... |
10/30/2019 01:36:00 |
Alliance |
Unknown |
6/8m Orange Parsing MW Monk LF CE Push<p>Guild is falling apart after 300 Za’qul wipes. I rank in the top 50 monks in the world. Here are my logs -> [ Mistpk - Tichondrius ]</p> |
10/30/2019 01:24:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
420+ ilvl Warlock (Playing 14yrs) LF LateNight PST PvE Guild<p>Whats’up everyone,</p><p>Hope this post finds the correct bunch/group in World of Warcraft will try and keep this as short as possible and as organized as possible.</p><p>—About:Ingame name is FTWitachi, I have been playing for just around 14 years now and have always mained Warlock and have never once changed. I have been well into pretty much every aspect of the game from PvE to PvP even ... |
10/30/2019 01:00:00 |
Unknown |
PvE |
444 Warrior LF New Guild<p>Looking for a new guild that is looking to seriously push into mythic. I’m 3/8M 8/8H with 1473io atm on this toon but can play mage, boomkin, and somewhat tank on monk as well. Just in the market for a more serious raiding guild. Willing to server transfer if need be.</p> |
10/29/2019 22:36:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
430 Frost Dk LF guild 9/9h<p>looking to join a guild to raid, I can raid Mon-Friday 7est-12est and the weekends im open to any time. Bnet boltaction#1876</p> |
10/29/2019 21:36:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
5/8M Fire Mage LF Guild<p>5/8M Fire mage LF CE minded guild. Horde only. After 10:00CST needed.</p> |
10/29/2019 21:12:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
6/8m disc priest lf guild<p>Hello. Looking for a guild that needs a disc. Recently came back from taking a 2 year break. Looking for something similar to my prog but not too picky. Horde or Alliance. Obviously prefer Horde but it’s not a big issue.</p><p>Looking for raid times that end before or right at 10pm EST. (Will consider all offers)Logs available upon request. Not the best logs but still working on getting back ... |
10/29/2019 20:36:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
437 Hpal LF Afternoon Raid Guild<p>Blizzard sucked me back in w/ classic. Hopped over to retail after I reliving how awful classic was :). LF friendly raid guild, 4-12 hours a week. 12-5 EST anyday of the week. I’m fine with CST/PST/EST servers as long as the times make sense. Preferably a guild that runs M+'s outside of raids. Just friendly chill people. I’m fine with a Heroic guild, doesn’t have to be cutting edge. I’m ... |
10/29/2019 20:36:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
425 Ilvl Hpal LF Raiding Guild<p>Looking for serious raiding guild. Will be playing all day today. Message me in game. Poppinwingz-Area52. Willing to commit a lot of time into gearing my paladin and helping guild progress in raiding.</p> |
10/29/2019 19:12:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Looking for a casual guild<p>I’m not hardcore at all. I don’t do current raids, I like to solo old content and do my own thing. My main reason for joining a guild hopefully it doesn’t sound too selfish is I want to finish the shadowmourne questline(Blood Infusion) in ICC and get some guild mounts and heirlooms. I would like to help others with quests and maybe work together to get cool stuff in wow.</p> |
10/29/2019 19:12:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
[H] 5/8M 446heal(RAID) 446 tank , 446 dps monk(M+) LF a new home CE guild<p>Cutting Edge exp player(ARGUS/GHUUN) LF a CE guild i can call home. LF a weekdays CE guild that raid starting 5/6pm EST till 8/9pm EST or a weekends CE guild that raids starting 11am EST . My main spec is mistweaver which i am more comfortable to use. Hit me up if you think i am worth to give a try! Thanks!TikbOy#11603</p> |
10/29/2019 19:12:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
[A][Stormrage] 8/8H 1/8M Group LF Guild<p>Hello all!</p><p>I and a group of friends from our previous guild are currently searching for a new home for 8.3. We recently transferred Thrall-Horde to Stormrage-Alliance and would prefer to stay where we are. Most of us are deferring from what we were maining before but we’re open to what classes we play.</p><p>We have all been a group since Nighthold in Legion and have stuck together ever ... |
10/29/2019 18:36:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
423 Frost DK LF T/W Raiding guild<p>423 Frost DK main gettin’ back into WoW and looking for a guild that likes to progress into mythic-tier content. Willing to realm transfer as soon as possible.</p> |
10/29/2019 18:12:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
445 DH (just back) LF afternoon or Late night guild<p>Just what the title says. I have multiple CE from previous tiers going all the way back to before cutting edge existed. I’ve always strived to do current content and stay well versed on my class. I do not currently have all my benthic gear as I’ve been gone for the last few months but am working up to it. I do not want to go alliance. Raids need to end before 3pm CST or start after 9pm ... |
10/29/2019 16:48:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
400 Feral/Guardian Druid returning player LFG willing to xfer - see more details inside<p>Hello all! I am a former pally/dk tank from WotLK on Moon Guard back in the day. I played intermittently after Wrath but pretty much dropped off until Legion. Played a bit there but it didn’t grab me as much. After Classic came out I installed BfA and found a new love for WoW, albeit my server being DEAD Horde side. However, my dad still plays on MG (since BC) and has one of each class to 120 ... |
10/29/2019 13:36:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Looking for guild > Silvermoon Eu<p>Looking for a Chill guild, haven’t been playing super long, enjoy to mythic+ And raid, Any One recruiting Hit me up, Thank you.</p><p>IGN > BigGzL</p> |
10/29/2019 13:24:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Dps/Healer x 2 LF Relaxed Raiding Guild<p>Hi,</p><p>Quit for most of the latest raid tier, having cleared normal EP. Now boyfriend and I are returning looking for a heroic guild to raid with. Having raided hardcore in the past we are happy to relax and just play the game for fun with a bunch of like-minded chill people </p><p>Open to changing chars and specs to suit the guild needs.</p><p>If you would like to add me at jennie#2115 if ... |
10/29/2019 12:24:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
[H] 3/8M Holy Priest or MW Monk Healer LFG<p>Holy Priest (No Disc) or MW Monk looking for mythic raiding guild. I have been swapping between each depending on the tier/prior guild needs. I am 3/8 mythic on the monk with multiple heroic kills on the holy priest for the current tier. Both almost have their necks at 70 (69 and 68 respectively). Willing to play either one for next raid tier.</p><p>Looking for a guild that has a full time ... |
10/29/2019 11:48:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
MoPr |
[H] Mage LF Morning/Early afternoon mythic raiding guild<p>Hi,</p><p>Mage looking for a mythic raiding guild that raids in the mornings or early afternoons. Have mythic raiding experience on my rogue. Just want to join a team where I have a spot and are trying to be cutting edge in this current tier and future tiers.</p><p>Let me know!</p><p>Discord: Zid#0590</p> |
10/29/2019 11:36:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
5/8m havoc dh lfg<p>Yet another guild dead because of classic, looking for an active guild with similar prog or higher, I’m in my phone right now so just add me on discord logs available upon request time zone 5pm start is the earliest I can startjuianstyles#4948 discord</p> |
10/29/2019 10:36:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
[H][Draenor] Father and son looking for a family friendly guild<p>Myself, I have been playing on and off since beta and have a couple of 120’s, and a few others between 70 and 110. Am looking to join a family friendly guild with my pre-teen son for levelling and doing content together (and hopefully with new guildies).</p><p>My current guild for my 120’s is not suitable for my son, hence looking for something new.</p><p>We are currently a 22 rogue and 23 ... |
10/29/2019 10:12:00 |
Horde |
Unknown |
Shadow priest lf casual raiding guild<p>Hey everyone,i am looking for a casual raiding guild that also progress through the content.My battlenet tag is Leotsiou #2398</p> |
10/29/2019 08:12:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
[H] Resto Druid - Burning Steppes - LF Mythic + / Mythic Raid guildHorde Resto Druid ilvl 444 looking for guild to run M+ and Mythic Raids on Bloodfeather / Burning Steppes / Executus / Kor'gall / Shattered Hand realms.Came back to WoW on 8.2 and the guild i was in decided to focus on Classic briefly after i joined. All of my progress is 100% pugged (EP 8/8 Heroic - 1/8 Mythic - RIO 1.6k).Character name: Restofactor - Server: Burning Steppes |
10/29/2019 05:24:00 |
Horde |
PvP |
(Area 52)Returning player lf guild<p>Hey like the title says returning player looking to get back into raiding and running some m+ On my dh possibly trying tanking add my btag rosamu#1588</p> |
10/29/2019 01:00:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Returning DPS player LF a casual raiding guild<p>Level 30 Human Male IRL.</p><p>Looking for a mature, chill casual raiding guild. Currently playing Boomkin and having no other class at 120 level. Happy and willing to change character, spec and role for the good of the guild both before joining and at any point thereafter.</p><p>Available to raid on Tuesdays and Saturdays, unless life happens (family visit or some such). Could also make about ... |
10/29/2019 01:00:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
430 Multi Cutting Edge Warlock Lf Guild 5/8M EXP<p>430 warlock with competing logs 4/8M Currently Looking for raiding guild that raids after 6pm pst or 9pm est drop a post and ill get back to you. 4/8M Killed with sub 40% pulls on orgo.</p> |
10/28/2019 23:12:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
[H] 436 DH Looking for Mythic Guild (CE on my alt)<p>I started to play WoW during Legion, around the end of Nighthold, and I got into Mythic Raiding when ToS came around. I am active and reliable, and I love to raid and do m+'s. I’m staying on Illidan, and I will not switch to Alliance. I’m looking for a nice home for my Havoc DH. Doesn’t need to be CE, but I’m really just looking for a fun guild to raid with.</p><p>My previous experience mythic ... |
10/28/2019 21:24:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
445 5/8M Holy Priest LF late night raiding guild - faction doesn’t matter<p>Hi friends,</p><p>I’m a 5/8M hpriest looking for a late night raiding guild. Don’t mind going horde or alliance as long as the raids begin after 11 est.</p><p>Add me to chat or leave your infoJinka#11680</p> |
10/28/2019 19:48:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Brewmaster LF tues/thurs guild 930pm Est or later<p>-4/8M EP Brewmaster Monk 442ilvl-almost downed Orgozoa got her to 5% with 2 tank strat-looking for a guild that is along the same progression-looking to raid tues/Thursday 10pm est or later</p><p>please message using my discord Clown#2407</p> |
10/28/2019 19:12:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
415 DH 7/8M On main LF Home<p>Hello all, as the title says I’m looking for a home for my demon hunter, my main is 7/8M which I’ve raided with since vanilla, looking to change things up next tier so I’m gearing this alt. Would like to find something on alliance, that raids during the week. I’m currently on illidan, but willing to transfer to the right home. Whoever reaches out to me I can provide logs of my main toon. I can ... |
10/28/2019 19:12:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |